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Tuina / AnMo

"Tui Na"

Helping the bird to fly freely with your hands

This is a possible translation of the word "Tuina". "Tui Na" from my Tuina teacher.

The bird represents the Qi, usually translated with the inadequate word energy, which must circulate freely in the body. It is not visible but real, as little tangible as the colours of the rainbow, which nevertheless exist and can be perceived by everyone.
Just as we in Western medicine consider it necessary and self-evident that the blood and lymph flow can proceed unhindered, in Chinese medicine it is assumed that the Qi must also be able to flow unhindered. If it cannot do so, stagnation and pain will occur and eventually lead to disorders of the entire body.
TuiNa is based on the same concepts as acupuncture and herbal medicine, but the work is done manually.
Therefore, not only disorders of the musculoskeletal system are treated, but based on the fact that the human being is a whole, we assume that such disorders can also be an expression of inner mental or organically caused disharmonies that require treatment. Symptoms of the musculoskeletal system can be the result of such disharmonies or also the cause of inner disturbances. If such coupled disorders exist, therapeutic success will only be short-term if only one aspect is treated.

Different grips and techniques with different effects are used.
Tui Na, for example, means pushing and grasping.
Tui - pushing
Na - grasping
The Aku-points could be compared to the doors and windows of a house. Depending on how they are to be ventilated or how someone is to be able to enter or leave, they are opened, closed or just opened a little, e.g. like a tilted window.