Angela Gavazzi
I have clearly never been a person who can only concern myself with one thing. After a pedagogical and an artistic training as a eurythmist, I worked for the General Anthroposophical Society at the Goetheanum in Dornach from 1994 to 2008. Between 2000 and 2008 I was responsible for the information technology in the whole house. I was in charge of a heterogeneous network with about 160 computers and more than 200 users, including everything from hardware repair, planning and implementation of projects to user support in all IT-related questions.
When I came across Linux and the idea of open source, I was quickly enthusiastic about the idea behind it and began to work intensively on it. I was - and still am - convinced that nothing else can be considered for a non-profit institution if it does not want to be unfaithful to its idea of being a non-profit organisation.
During my time as an IT manager, I saw many people who had serious problems with their necks, shoulders, arms and backs due to bad posture, especially when working with computers. So I started to look into questions of correct sitting posture and the set-up of workstations. Since I myself had not been spared the consequences of such work, I also looked for solutions and help for myself.
It was on this path that I discovered Dorn therapy in 2006. After the impressive effect of a single treatment session, I quickly realised that this was something that would not let me go so quickly. I looked for and attended appropriate seminars. During the application of the thorn method, however, many questions soon came to me: What were those places I was pressing on that were so sensitive in different ways depending on the person? Why were there such interesting reactions in completely different parts of the body than the ones I was working on? In my search for answers to these questions, I discovered Tuina massage among the fields of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). But that was only the beginning of a long journey that will probably never end...
In order to give my training as broad a focus as possible, I completed my training as a non-medical practitioner specialising in TCM at the Academy for Naturopathy in Basel in 2011.
In 2011 I was able to open my practice in Arlesheim, where I am still available to you at any time.
Since then I have specialised in Japanese acupuncture, which enables me to help all kinds of people in a very subtle way, regardless of whether they are young, children, elderly or highly sensitive
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Training and further education
- Anthroposophical Teachers Seminar, Dornach (1084-1986)
- Eurythmy, Zuccoli School, Dornach (1986 - 1990)
- Microsoft Certified System Engeneer
- CompTIA Linux+
- Dorn/Breuss Therapy, Sven Koch (2006)
- Tuina und Acupunctur at the Bio-Medica Basel (2008-2011)
- Naturheilpraktiker-ANHK Academy for Naturopathy, Basel (2008-2011)
- Japanise Acupunctur after Dr. J. Manaka, Steven Birch (2012)
- Postgraduate Training in Toyohari Acupuncture, Steven Birch PhD., Yunko Ida....(2013-2014)
- European Based Advanced Training Program in Toyohari, (2017-2018)
- Shonishin - Japanise Childers acupuncture, Steven Birch, PhD (2017)
- Isopathy, Dunkelfeld und Immunbiology, Ebi-Pharm (2013)
- Western TCM phytotherapy , Dr. rer. nat. Eva Mosheim-Heinrich, Berlin (2011-2013)
- Accreditet Journey Practitioner (2022)
- Further continuing courses in:
- Chronoacupuneture
- Phytotherapy
- Asymmetropathy
- Detoxing
- General naturopathy